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Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers Advised to Do the
Average FICO score of used-car buyer lower
than national average score
Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers Advised to Do the
1. Average FICO score of used-car buyer lower than
national average score
2. BHPH dealers who pursue customers w/ lower
credit scores need good business practices
3. Buyers in this segment have no financial
capacity; job loss, illness can lead to bankruptcy
4. BHPH dealers who stay on top of losses can make
compensatory adjustments, make profit
Significant Points
1. Ken Shilson, founder of National Alliance of Buy-Here,
Pay-Here Dealers
2. Says mistake for dealer to try to lessen risk by
upping down payment
3. If buyer defaults, "that extra $500 is something
the dealer is going to have to eat"
4. Ron Peterson: Stigma gone from bankruptcy, many
buyers tightly leveraged
5. Says dealers need to understand true nature of
losses in BHPH setting
6. Can better price vehicles, set interest rates,
control number of loans they make
"If a buy-here customer goes through the loss of a job, the
dealer is in trouble. Most buy-here, pay-here customers can't even
be out of work for two weeks because they have no savings to
service debt." -- Ken Shilson, founder, National Alliance of
Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers
"Dealers often look at ability to repay based on someone having
their job and wanting to do anything to keep his car. They
shouldn't assume that a buyer will let his kids go hungry to keep
his ride." -- Ron Peterson, attorney, federal bankruptcy
trustee, Chicago, IL
"This is the world buy-here, pay-here dealers have chosen to
operate in. Losses come with the territory, but as long as a dealer
has a good program to recycle his inventory and is vigorous in
repossessing cars, he can make money." -- Peterson
"Some guys don't do the math. Guys who have great accounts
receivable numbers, but don't know how to read a static pool chart
to learn their losses are in trouble because they don't know what
adjustments to make in price, interest rates or number of loans
they should make."
Sourced From: Used Car News, August 21, 2006
Used Car News 8-21-06
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